For Laverne Audet | about
1 0 834
Pros She is a very good actor and person.
Cons Spent some time with family.
Description She is very hard worker and always try for new. Her acting bindass and fabulous.
For Richard Thomas | about
0 0 896
Pros Both are looking good and have good time with each other.
Cons Normal, nothing negative.
Description Both are very cute and sweet. I will say this couple is ideal couple to everyone. They always help each other, understanding and never fight. I will highly recommend to this couple in community to get more number of points.
For John Miller | about
0 0 754
Pros Simple and Polite Nature.
Cons Nothing Negative.
Description Very easly understanding person. He is very simple and soft spoken. I will always recommend to this person.
For Alaric Saltzman | about
0 0 733
Pros He has good fitness and smiling face.
Cons Nothing negative for him.
Description He has good fitness., muscles and bisaps. I like his fitness and body.
For Larry Mack | about
0 0 750
Pros She is the most attendive member of the community.
Cons She need to give more time to community.
Description As always she is the most participent and active member of the community but from sometimes she is not giving good to community so I want to her come back in community with out her we feel boring and alone. So for now I am recommending to her.
For Matt Donevan | about
0 0 805
Pros Very Smart Boy!!!
Cons No negative for him.
Description Tihs boy is very smart and good looking. Also very helpful always take stand for others.
For Emma Richards | about
0 0 825
Pros She is very helpful.
Cons No Negative.
Description She does always support me. I like her attitude. Whenever I feel difficulity she was always with me. Never mind and broad nature girl. She never angry and always keep smile on face.
For Emma Richards | about
0 0 772
Pros Simple and Sweet.!!!
Cons Need to improve in attitude.
Description I will alwasys recommed to everyone to become friend. She is very helpful.
For Jack Welch | about
0 0 743
Pros Nice Guy and Smarty
Cons No Negative for him.
Description He is a very simple and has politeness in his nature. I am friend of him and enjoy time with him.